Hey ladies, did you ever imagine that you would be able to have an orgasm during childbirth? Maybe you did but I sure didn't.
I wouldn't get my hopes up too much though because I'd bet this is a crock of patootie. Most women are so doped up on medication during the natural childbirth process that they probably couldn't feel it if you hit them with a baseball bat on their forehead (as if I know, I don't have any kids). On top of that, the fear of something going wrong or something being wrong with the baby combined with the concentration it takes to push one of those little monsters out might just keep you from being able to concentrate on the potential "birth-gasm". And I'm not a scientist but I would imagine that for most women, a big azz football-sized head coming out of your vagina feels a bit different than a penis going in (as if I know, I don't a vagina). There's probably a difference between getting your "spot" hit verses having it obliterated.
Take some time and read the article for yourself. Ladies, I know you're going to be wishful thinkers on this and if you've already had a child an not experienced this you might even feel like you missed out on something. But something tells me the blood, sweet, and tears of childbirth might make it hard for you to get your climax on. But, maybe it's just me.
no i don't think its just you...now i have no kids either (not yet) but i would think based on what i have seen (before and after-NOT during I don't even want to be there when i give birth) it would have me totally agree that it would definitely be extremely difficult to even THINK about climaxing let alone having one...but hey i could be wrong
Bet this...I've got more of a chance at climaxing during birth than my wife will.
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