A few thoughts on the upcoming Plax-Gate that's going to happen...
- How did this guy shoot himself? There's gotta be more to it than him mistakenly shooting himself in the leg (Cheddar Bob azz...). I have a theory.
- Why doesn't he have security that has the gun(s) rather than himself?
- Why does dude have an illegal gun when he can just register and buy a legal one? It's not like he doesn't have the money, right?
- Why did Antonio Pierce (allegedly) take the gun back with him to (presumably) his home in New Jersey?
- How much of the book do you think Commissioner Goodell is going to hit him with?
The only guys that shoot themselves by mistake are the ones that are scared and panic. I understand why some of these guys feel the need to own guns. But in the home is one thing and out with you to a Manhattan nightclub is another. Did he hear Diddy/Shyne was going to be there? I don't get it. Can't he afford to have security? So what if no rich athlete wants to admit that he could use some extra security. Let's be smarter fellas, seriously. Aside from owning an illegal gun à la TIPPORD, you take it to a club! Stupid. It's no dumb assumption to make that people are probably out to "get you" in some way, but there are more intelligent and legal ways to go about protecting yourself. A 31-year old man with millions of dollars, a wife (I think), and children should know better. I understand the pride involved and guys feeling like they can take care of themselves but even if you're going to carry things that way, you need to be smarter about maintaining your d@mn gangster.
One part I disagree with... "Plaxico was an idiot..."
I would change that to read "Plaxico IS an idiot..."
If EVERYONE in the club was searched, and denied bringing in their weapons, why do you need yours?
The bouncers confronted him, and initially denied him entry. But money talked...
You already know how that "slide the bouncer some dough" thing goes.
As for Plax...Common sense man. Common sense.
i don't think he shot himself at all. i think he was involved in something he shouldn't have been involved in, and is just telling everyone he shot himself so that he can cover up what REALLY happened. just watch. the angle that the bullet went into his leg will not read "i shot myself". just watch. and yes. he IS an idiot.
Good point. You never know what happened. But it seems like the consensus of humankind is that he's an idiot. I can't even feel bad for this guy (yet) unless someone really did try to hurt/kill/murk him and he was trying to protect himself. That still doesn't make it right/smart, I know. But at least it would be in defense of his life.
Nevertheless, all Giants fans should go PLAX themselves!
Okay, I am so glad you posted this story. Wait, one moment...
Alright, I agree wholeheartedly with Metro Man. Plax is a GIANT idiot. However, I disagree with j.a.c. Girl, you are giving him too much credit. In this case, I sincerely believe that Plax is as dumb as he looks. (If I'm wrong, I'll owe you a Lipglass or something). Not only did he shoot himself in the leg, he went out with an illegal gun to try and project an image, a persona that clearly he is not.
To answer your questions Mike, you have to look at the man, the industry he is in and the city. Plax is on a giant stage being in NY. He shot himself because he is NOT a gangsta or a thug. He didn't have security because gangsta's don't need security, that's why he got the gun, to complete the "look". The gun was illegal to further support the "look." Pierce took the gun home with him, because he was play-acting too. He just wasn't as dumb as Plax. He removed the evidence to try and help Plax save face, problem is there were too many eyewitnesses. (Didn't they learn from Puff/Shyne?) I think Goodell will officially blackball Plax once the Giants release him.
It's just like the Vick situation. Let me stay as close to the hood as I possibly can, even though I technically didn't fully fit into the hood in the first place. Plax is the new Ricky Williams!
Looks like the Giants have already blackballed him considering he can't play anymore this season because they put him on some list.
The new Ricky Williams? That's a low blow. LOL.
So Barney Fife has a Super Bowl Ring now?
Does anybody remember that we got us a Black president and somehow the level of stupidity hasn't changed in some places? Come on people? Seems like stupid people have stupid friends. Aren't you glad we're all smart? I don't know all of you, but thank you!
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