"Some same-sex marriage supporters are urging people to 'call in gay' Wednesday to show how much the country relies on gays and lesbians..." (Source: Yahoo! News)

With that said though, is it just me or is calling in gay really taking things to the extreme? Yes desperate times call for desperate measures and I understand the point of people taking off from work in protest but telling people to "call in gay" is a bit much. You don't hear me calling in Black? I just come in late...Ummm, let me stop.
As an African-American with a little knowledge of the civil rights movement I completely understand why gays feel the need to stand up and protest for their rights but calling in gay is just lame. Just take Wednesday off and leave it at that.
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i don't think its "lame" i mean its like when you say you won't buy gas or something to make a point about being a consumer...so i can understand it
I understand that part of it. But literally picking up the phone and saying "I'm calling in gay today" is lame to me. Take off, don't buy stuff, do all that. But calling in gay is only gonna get you fired because it's not like being sick or taking a vacation day. It's a illegitimate way to take off. People are gonna get fired trying to pull this lame form of protest.
yea i see that part of it....
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