I sent out an email a few days ago telling friends that I'm strongly considering participating in a the Mustache's For Kids fund-raiser here in Baltimore this year. I emailed them to see if anyone would want to take part with me and the response I received...
Resounding silence! LOL.
What does it entail you ask? Shaving your face at the beginning of November (Nov. 3 to be exact) and growing a mustache only for the next four weeks. The point of growing the 'stache is to evoke conversation and be able to spread the word about the cause. Specifically, "the Growers use the mustache to start conversations and solicit donations from friends, family, co-workers, and random strangers."
Oh yeah, the cause...
The Mustaches for Kids Baltimore Chapter donates monies raised to Donors Choose (donorschoose.org) which is a non-profit organization that allows donors to individually choose and directly fund teacher-submitted educational projects, improving the public school experience for students in Baltimore City and around the country.
I like kids heck, I even mentor one. Also, I have only shaved my face clean once in life (shocking, I know). I figure if I'm going to go without facial hair again - though it'll only be that way for about 3 days as the Ron Jeremy 'stache grows in - I may as well do it for a good cause. Most of you know I'm a goatee or full beard kinda guy and I take my appearance more seriously than any of you can imagine soooooo... This isn't going to be a walk in the park for me but I think it will be worth it.
Learn more about the cause and mustache month here: http://m4kbaltimore.org/about/
I know what you're all thinking..."But Thanksgiving is in November! You mean Imma have to rock the 'stache for Thanksgiving?!?!" YES! But imagine how much money you can raise from family members when you tell them not only is your flavor-saver for "flavor-saving" purposes but also to give kids an opportunity to learn and get a better education!
For full rules, check out this URL: http://m4kbaltimore.org/rules/
If you happen to be interested, drop a comment on this blogpost. LADIES, you're allowed to participate too! Just not on my team! We don't need any switch-hitters on my squad. I joke, I kid. If you're a lovely lady with a 'stache lined up like the goal-line at FedEx field, feel free join in on the fun!
You are a mess - as always! However, I do think it's a clever fundraising strategy for the charity. The more questionable you start looking the more money you'll raise! ;)
LOL at "the more questionable you look..."
miKeSee luv da kids!
awesome and creative...make sure we get up during this time so i can donate
I'm gonna post a link to the donation page (it's all web-based) once I have it set-up this evening.
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