One thing I realized real quick in the video conversation was that I did not want to look Laf in the eyes during the video chat session. Call me weird, homophobic, extra, or suppressing my inner-fruit-booty but I just could NAUGHT! The shyt just didn't feel right. You all know how video chat sessions work. Both people are typically too close to the camera so everything is like a close-up. You can't really help but to be staring into someone's face, it's like the default view! So the other night Laf and I are having the conversation and I realize that video-chatting with a woman is far more enjoyable and easy-to-do than with a dude. We both all close to the video camera and the picture is big as hell on my computer and it just felt ... the shyt just ain't feel right.
Soooooooo, if I could, I would institute the first Skype/Video-Chatting Man Law which would be...
Under NO circumstances should one man ever stare into another man's eyes during a Skype video conversation!
Something about it just isn't right. Kinda like this...

Or this...

yeah its been a couple times that i've tested out the video chat on my phone with my boy Chris, Vijay, or my cousins husband O'Brien. As soon as I got on the call, I was ready to get off of the call. Or I was constantly talking and looking away. It just seemed like we were too close to each other. Right now if I use a video chat app on my phone it might be to show them something I'm looking at using the back camera on my phone, that way they aren't all in my face. Or I'm using it to video chat with my girl or so that the person I'm calling can talk to/interact with my daughter.
But video chatting with another dude definitely seemed weird. Lol
Yeah I think too close to each other is the right way to put it actually. It just feels too personal like they are in your personal space lol.
Lol! And men say women are complex? You guys have too many rules for real. I've never video chatted with a woman so this isn't subjective. However, if one of my girls wanted to chat, especially my friends that live far away. I would be so for it.
That Eddie Murphy/Sugar Ray pic is in my top five zestiest pictures EVER! That Eddie Long pic is annoying because of the muscle shirt!
I won't even touch that "men say women are complex" comment.
And "zestiest" is hilarious!
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