Not to speak out of turn but, why do we care so much? Granted, I don't think it's right that she was called a robo-ho. By the way, I'm sure TMZ didn't really mean to call Beyoncé, Queen of all Black Women (I cringe at the thought), a TRUE ho. They didn't mean a practicing ho as in supa-dupa-head (Karrine Steffans) or practiing ho as in Vanessa del Rio. But ho as in "dressed like a [ho]", right? Let's be realistic and honest here people, plenty of women (including those who are complaining about the roboho comment) dress like whores, REGULARLY. Check your favorite club or summertime splash party for women who have on their ho-uniforms. It's a d@mn shame, but even your friggin church might have some ho-ish outfits in the pews on Sunday. Fact of the matter is that it's not right to call anyone a ho/bitch/nikker (and a littany of other ish) whether they fit the mold or not, simply because it's not nice. Sounds simple I know, but the most important things are the simple ones. Though it's not since, lots of us call people outu of their names everyday (including me from time-to-time). I'm not always nice, and neither is your azz, let's be REAL!
And I do agree with TIP in that there are hoes and b*tches in this world (nikkers too, TIP). But we all know that hoes, biyatches, and nukkas transcend skin color. So my one singular problem with this is that if TMZ is going to call Beyoncé a ho, then they might as well call every spade a friggin spade. Their web posting history suggests that they're not always "nice" about what they think of celebs and that's cool. Opinions are like azzholes and calling someone a ho pretty much makes you an azzhole. But singling out the Queen of All Black Women (?) as a robo-ho or just a ho in general is not cool when there are plenty of other celebs rockin' their ho uniforms as well. Why not spread it out evenly if you're gonna be judgemental azzholes? Or why not keep drink a hot cup of S.T.F.U. before you start talking/typing?
While it's completely wrong for them to call her a ho who can do the robot (???), who are the people that REALLY should gives one or more shyts? All black people? Hell no. Black women? To an extent, because this could affect people's view of them all. Black men? To an extent yes, because we help proliferate negative views of our women by the way WE talk about them and treat them. But who should care the most? That would be Beyoncé and those close to her because they're the people who know she definitely isn't a ho (family) or definitely is a "lady in the street and a freak in the bed" (Jay-Z).
But do I think this has the potential to be blown WAY out of proportion? YES!
When and if these Beyoncé STANS sit back and think, they might realize that they really only know the image that Beyoncé puts forth and not who SHE truly is as a person. I don't think it's hard to see that Beyoncé seems a bit programmed in her interviews and public appearances. Matthew be on his grizzly behind the scenes, ya'll know that! So who knows what type of person she really is?
The fact of the matter is that the people close to Jay-Z's more attractive half probably don't even give two shyts. But they may be forced to come forward and make some sort of statement making it seem like they care because all of these people (read: gossip-seeking web-surfers or STANS) who think that Beyoncé is their best-friend/role-model/idol/whatever feel indirectly disrespected and hence will go ridiculous lengths to create an uproar.
Some people need to get real here. How many times before this has Beyoncé actually worn a ho's uniform? Eventually you had to expect someone to come out of the mouth wrong, right?

If those crotch shots aren't enough for people to at least think ho thoughts without thinking of the actual word "ho", I don't know what is. But now, somebody says it in a public forum and there's an uproar. Boo-hoo! Ladies, how many times have YOU worn a ho's uniform? Hmmmmnnnn? And don't trick yourselves into think that because you have numerous college degrees and a good job while wearing that short skirt, stilettos, and halter-top that you weren't wearing an actual ho uniform, because you WERE!
Stop wearing all the skimperrific shyt and maybe people won't think that way? If you dress and carry yourself like a WOMAN, then people won't immediately assume you're a whore. If you're afraid of people judging you as a ho before getting to know you, don't GIVE THEM A REASON to judge you before they know you by dressing like Dame Dash just poured champiggity on you at a video shoot. And as far as Beyoncé, it's not like her mom's horrible taste in fashion doesn't keep her looking like a complete (thought I'd never say this...) H.A.M. anyway. A ho's uniform is supposed to turn a guy on right? Well, if those outfits aren't the complete opposite of a ho's uniform, I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS! Her mother's outfits hurt my eyes sometimes with all that glittery ish.
I truly don't get why Black folks like to get all up in arms about ish like this especially when shyt happens like the Supreme Court vote yesterday where they basically decided that if good public schools wanna keep our black/latino azzez out, they can go ahead and discriminate with no legal ramifications.
"Go ahead and promote racial diversity in the classroom, if you think that's important, the court basically said. But whatever you do, you can't take race into account."On top of that, a black man (Clarence Thomas) voting in favor of this shyt! We should be in an uproar attacking his azz, not a friggin website!
"Thomas, the court's only black member, wrote a concurring opinion in which he had the gall to cite Brown vs. Board of Education, the landmark 1954 decision that integrated the nation's schools, as precedent for Thursday's ruling -- which will boldly advance the cause of resegregation."BUT OH NO, somebody called Beyonce a ho, let's round up all the rappers with criminal records and WebNerds and whoop some azz!
As noted above, there are so many other worthy (and more important) causes we can fight for as a people. Yet-and-still, we want to get up in arms taking up for Beyoncé because she's contributing so much to the Black community already. SURE! All you ladies can pat your weaves, dress sexy, and make your azz gyrate thanks to the woman who most definitely is NOT a robo-ho.
For the record, I'm not saying Beyoncé is a ho, but I am saying that statement shouldn't be a shock to any of us? I'm not saying don't get upset, I'm asking you to think about why you are upset? I'm not saying she shouldn't be taken up for, I'm asking WHO should be taking up for her? I'm not saying it's not a worthy cause for some, but what are the causes we all should fight for?
Like my mother says: "Use your head for more than a hat rack!" In other words, THINK!