1. You can really appreciate the movement within a basketball game from the nosebleeds
2. LeBron James understands the significance of his celebrity and how it impacts the success of the NBA. During warm-ups everybody else is laying it up and he's doing windmills.
3. Mike Brown is not incompetent, but he could definitely be a better coach. There were at least 3 points in last night's game where I felt like he could have called a timeout to stop the Wizards momentum and he let the game play out thinking that his team could coach itself. Leadership FAIL!
4. The Wizards always have at least 3 dudes that you assume are from Barry Farms, just came off a 10 day contract, or you have never heard of before.
5. Every time Andray Blatche touches the ball on offense I say "self-check" to myself because he can only score by mistake. It's like playing at the local gym and the worst guy on the other team lucks up and hits the game-winner on you. HE is THAT GUY!
6. That McGee kid looked like he had potential.
7. If the Wizards get Blake Griffin and keep their stars in place --> Arenas at the 1, Caron at the 2, Jamison at the 3, Blake at the 4, Haywood (softie) at the 5. Juan (should list this bama last), Songalia (who actually can hoop at times), Stevenson (who the Wiz overpaid and should drop and just keep Mike James coming in off the bench), and Etan Thomas on the bench. No, I do not count Andray Blatche.
8. Tigger is a bama but I respect his hustle.
9. Why is it always 1 or 2 young black women that gotta shake like they're in a strip club when the camera is spanning the crowd? Why is that an immediate reaction for some? Sad.
10. Why do people act like they wanna hide from the camera and then wave?
11. Gilbert Arenas still has it, but he's rusty. And he had a great all-around game which is what he should probably take away from the win. But the only way I would keep him on the roster is if I got Griffin in the draft though.
12. I am always siced when the Wizards score 100 points because I get free papa johns or two for 1 drinks at the chophouse after the game. Free food/drinks = YES!
13. Do not go to the Green Turtle before a game.
14. On a certain level the games are more fun in the nose faucet seats than sitting lower. You get the crazies in the nosebleed section.
15. But I would still sit lower if I had that ROLL!
16. Always eat before you go in the MCI Center. You're better off paying for the over-priced drinks than the food.
17. LeBron James could average 50 per game if he really wanted to.
18. Mo Williams has a little Steve Nash in him at times.
19. WALLY!
20. I effs with Daneger for coming through the Green Turtle. No Dane-Hate for 72 hours.
21. I will give Ilgauskus 12. Nullus (courtesy Bol).
22. It's not a good look to bring your 1-2 year old to the game and sit them on your lap.
23. It's always one loud person yelling out incorrect statements about players, stats, sports history as if they are 100% correct. ALWAYS!
24. DeShawn Stevenson is a clown. I'm convinced. What's worse is that he thinks he's cool.
25. Bullets > Wizards > Zephyrs
26. People should not be allowed to buy the jersey of an NBA player that does not get more than 5 minutes per game.
27. Ed Tapscott...Who?
28. Antawn Jamison is still soft but he can still dunk. I'm shocked.
29. The Wizards/Cavs rivalry makes my sports life more exciting.
30. A first round Wiz/Cavs matchup would make for an interesting minute on PTI.
31. I would have never made it as a basketball player.
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