Winning a battle is great, but winning the war is the real victory.
Curtis/Curly is going to have a problem on his hands once this Rick Ross album hits stores next week. Jada too, on Billboard at least.
From top-to-bottom Deeper Than Rap is easily the best album this year when it comes to production. Lyrically Ross can't touch Jada but he's holding his own and improved his lyricism to the point where I would say he's now universally respectable MC. He's not on the level of Jada or NaS or Jay-Z but he's holding his weight (no pun intended) on these tracks. He even (in my opinion) out-raps NaS on "Usual Suspects".
I've listened to 70% of these tracks already and enjoyed each one except the track with Foxxy ("Murder Mami"). And everything on the album that I haven't heard is either good or dope.
I'm probably going to do a full album review after I listen to the album a few more times but off the first listen this album is pretty close to getting my vote for the dopest joint so far this year. Sorry Jada.
I wasnt feeling Jada's cd.
Ross is now top 3 in the South (Luda, TI, Ross)...sorry Jeezy and Face!
Sorry FACE!?!?!?! Man you lunchin'!
And you didn't even mention Lil Wayne! Please tell me this is a mistake.
Top 6 in South...
1. Wayne
2. Face
3. Luda
4. Phonte
5. TIP
6. Ross
Dag! I did compeltely overlook Wayne...I guess Ross falls to #4. But Phonte, Face, and Jeezy fall below Ross to me. Phonte is nice with it but Im not really up on all his material and 3K needs to drop something quick to get back on my radar.... Face was a hard decision but I think it just comes down to me liking Ross's music better than Face's im not sure if he could go toe to toe with Face lyrically.
Ross higher than Phonte and Face? Maybe Phonte since you don't have all his music but FACE? You're high!
Go listen to The Fix again...That's kinda disrespectful, LOL.
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