Friday, February 24, 2006

Public Service Announcemens: Paperless Society/Sex Offenders in your area???

First item of business: Don't use checks

I was in class last night and we had a small discussion about electronic banking which led one of my classmates stating that we should not use checks. Basically, the reasoning behind it is that on the bottom of your check is your account number and your bank's routing number. This is all an indivudal needs to make a withdrawal from your account or a payment to another vendor out of your checking account.

Think about it this way...When you set-up your direct deposit for your job, you have to give them a voided blank check. All they do is take your account number and routing number from that blank check and set you up in the payroll system. Another example is when you sign up online for your credit card company's bill payment system or paypal (or some other company) and you use your bank account as the source for payments. You supply them with your account number, routing number, and the type of account (checking or savings). From there, they can withdraw money from your checking account or deposit money into your account (paypal).

So imagine if someone you sent a check to wrote down your routing and account numbers prior to cashing your check. They could then, go online, set up a bill payment account with their credit card company, and pay THEIR BILLS from YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT!!!

So my suggestion is to leave the checks alone unless you are sending them to a trusted company. I will never again send a check to an individual. Money orders (they're free at a lot of spots or very very cheap) here I come.

Second item: Find sexual predators in your area

I know I'm probably late on this website, but just in case I figured I'd send it out. Family Watchdog allows you to enter your address and it will display the registered sexual offenders in your area. This is a very useful tool for those of you who have lil crumb-snatchers running around.

1 comment:

Yasmin Shiraz said...

Thanks for adding helpful information for the community to your site.