Monday, February 27, 2006

Weekend in Review: Friday (Go to Brooklyn and Get me a CHEESECAKE!)

Osei's BDay dinner with the fellas (Osei, Vinny, BHill, Lionel) at the Cheesebake Factory downtown in Bmore...Jambalaya Pasta...I highly recommend it. Afterwards was a trip to Club ONE...Pretty below-average night at the club. Music was okay. It was definitely 10 guys for every girl in there and at times I felt like this was a cross between a taping of the WIRE and Making Da Band...Don't ask me how, because I don't know...It just felt that way. LOL.

Some flicks:

It's the BIRTHDAY BOY, Osei!!! He's still accepting gifts and alladat...So if you need to get in contact with him, holla at me and I can give you his info...

The crew...

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