Cot d@mn there goes a white girl lost...Thank God she's covering up her husband though...Whewww!

BUT, there's a time and a place for everything and she often makes the mistake of displacing a classy dress code for an a$$y dress code. Not to mention she is one helluva camera whore (see definition #3). And no matter what you're measurements are, that shyt just ain't cute to me.
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I was having a conversation with a friend about people who are overly overtly sexual and she brought up a good point. A lot of people who have to throw their sexiness or sexuality in your face all the time often do it because they aren't really putting it down behind closed doors like they'd like you to believe. Or more simply, they're not as sexually confident or self-confident as they would like you to believe. So they over-compensate by putting on a show for the world to see. Whether or not that is the case with Ms. Lee, I'll never know and never care! Okay, maybe a I care a smidgeon since CoCo's thicka than a snicka (and orang-er than a d@mn orange with that fake-tan). But yet-and-still, she's a bit much at times. And Ice-T's over-whorification of his W-I-F-E is really sad. Even though she "such a F*CKING LAAAAAADY", there's no way he can honestly say he respects her. No friggin way!
But sheeeeeeeiiiiiiit, I might buy the album just for the liner notes though...I can't front.
I honestly think he turned his housewife into a hoe this time around dogg. I saw a show that did a story on them (one of them hollywood true story type joints) and it showed pics of her as a child and young adult and she IS NOT the same AT ALL. It was kinda crazy.
"They say business is a mind and that nikka pimpin' got it!" Lupe Fiasco.
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