But I do remember one crooner from the late 80's rocked a unibrow and the ladies were not complaining. Now I must admit that I WAS a fan of this dude even though I was very young back then ("Imma 80s bab...I from the dirty we can dance, Patrick Swayze baby!" - Weezie F-ing Baby). Anyway, this dude successfully rocked the unibrow. Al B Sure.

But light-skinndeded brothas was supposedly "in" at that time (this is the dumbest thing I've heard and I am mad I even mentioned this dumb shyt) and maybe he got a pass on the unibrow. Nowadays light-skinned brothas are supposedly not "in" anymore (yeah RIGHT ladies!) so would that unibrow still be acceptable even if Al B Sure or some other "hot" guy rocked it?
Will the unibrow ever be "cool"? Dare I say it's *acceptable* right now? I think most people would still shape it up though (LOL). Webbie's unknowing attempt at giving the unibrow street credibility and hip-hop acceptability was probably not a direct goal he had. But weird people like me think about these types of random things...and wonder...
A unibrow is certainly unacceptable. I would say especially here in LA but I would hope the feeling would be mutual countrywide. Dudes out here have their eyebrows shaped up better than mine! Now tell me, is THAT acceptable?
THANK YOU! I guess I kinda knew this, but needed to hear it. It's not like I am trying to grow one or anything (LMAO), just wondering.
Now I don't think L.A. is a realistic barometer though. From what I hear (I have never been to L.A.), people are there are really "made-up". Meaning, there's a lot of fake this, fake that, excessive makeup, etc. I have even had people who come from the left-Coast come here and say to me that the girls here aren't "done-up" enough. Meaning that they don't wear any/enough make-up. So I don't know if I could use L.A. as my barometer for outward appearance rules. But like I said, I've never been there so I don't really know. JAC, help ya boy out with this.
As far as dudes with their eyebrows shaped up...Personally, I think that's a lil TEH GAY, but that's just me. Manicure here and there, cool. Shaping up eyebrows, not cool. Pedicures, I'm still having a mental fight over whether I think this is acceptable or not.
I know this is off subject...but "Nite & Day" is rockiing on my Yahoo radio station RIGHT now...man that was some good music...
I don't mind a unibrow...I prefer that you keep it and not wax it or pluck it off...that's too much...I mean I met a guy a while back...we spoke ONE time because he was just too pretty to me...I mean eyebrows done, mani & pedis every two weeks...goes to the shop to get a cut at least TWO times a week...
and I feel you with the mani & pedi thing for guys...YES I believe that you should get them and take care of your hands and feet, BUT if you have a STANDING appointment every other week...YEAH that's an issue...
The dude you met was probably TEH-friggin-GAY!
To me, unless you wear sandals every day of the year, you should have pedicures regularly scheduled. Maybe in the summer months. Only girls get them all year long. Now if you live in San Diego and have the option of wearing sandals every day...YOU STILL SHOULDN'T! You're a man for Christ's sake!
I'm know i'm closer to the pretty boy side than the thug side, but I like to think I'm nestled right in the middle. I will probably never have manicures or pedicures scheduled regularly. Hell, my haircuts are not even scheduled regularly!
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