Monday, August 7, 2006


This joint is FIRE! Is it me or does she look like a slimmer Missy Elliot? Song's FIRE though! As usual, Luda murks his guest spot on the track. "GOT REEFA!" Now THAT'S funny!


T.a.c.D said...

YES that thing is FIRE I freakin LOVE that joint...and I couldn't find DO stay on top of that music just a little more than me...DAG it hurts to say it....

Anonymous said...

Reefa look like her name might really be SHAREEF! Jye butchery. But then again, when you look like Missy, isn't the butchness connoted?

Anywho, the song is tough. I like it. And the video is pretty decent. Luda's shirt siced me though. He's a funny dude.

Stay on top of music...I try.

Daneger said...

Yeah I been rocking to this joint for a couple of weeks now. That T-shirt is tough but you are right her name is Shareefa. Luda murdered that verse on there.