Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So that's what they're talking about in that song..."Nasty motha..."

(UPDATE: Has to post thee comments from my homegirl Lauren)
#1: I think this ruined my lunch 4 hours in advance.
#2: The ignorance of kids is bliss: The ignorance of adults is degrading.
#3: Stupid dances have now elevated above my distain for the word 'picnic' on my "Don't even..." list.

"Open up the door nikka! PINKY gotsta PEE-PEE!" - Pinky from Friday After Next

I updated my OLD POST on this topic, but after reading this blogpost, I had to re-address this shyt!

Did you know THIS:
"‘Chicken Noodle Soup’ is the act of urinating on someone inside the shower. The ‘Can of Coke on the side’ is when you do a number two. I thought everyone knew this, but apparently the idea of these acts are all the rage of negros nationwide."
"Do any of you rememeber the dance called the ‘Harlem Shake’? It was originally called the ‘Vibrator Orgasm’ after one of the little harlem jig kids watched his mother convulsing after she placed a Magic Wand inside her behind."
And he puts it all into perspective here:
"I have been to restaurants with Black girls who won’t eat unless the flatware is washed in front of their eyes, and now they are dancing around to the notion of being peed upon. 'Let it rain, clear it out, let it rain some more'"
Now I left a comment on the blogpost stating how gross I thought all this was and that I really hope it's NOT TRUE. But normally these guys are on point. I didn't know this crap until I just read the blogpost and forgive me if I am accepting this as truth prematurely. But if this is indeed true, it just goes to show that we (adults) can be hypnotized by music that's really just a degradation of black folks. And that kids will emmulate anything they think is cool, not knowing that they're really doing something they have NO BUSINESS doing.

D@mn shame!


T.a.c.D said...

Thank you so much for sharing this...i didn't like this mess from the beginning but NOW I REALLY think its sick! I am sure plenty of my Kiamsha kids are doing this dance and thinking nothing of it...I will sharing this information with them during one of our rap sessions definitely!

I don't know if its premature to just assume if its true or not either, BUT for the thought to even be out there that it means that is enough for me...this is too much...the spreeding of ignorance continues...

Anonymous said...

"...the spreeding of ignorance continues..." Yep-yep. I feel like I'm helping spread it by even mentioning this. But I think people might want to be informed before they're up in the club (like the scene I saw Friday night in NYC) doing this dance thinking it's all good.

T.a.c.D said...

I had to say something about it too...because folks need to know I said even the thought of it meaning that is enough NOT to do it!

Lawrenorder said...

#1: I think this ruined my lunch 4 hours in advance.
#2: The ignorance of kids is bliss: The ignorance of adults is degrading.
#3: Stupid dances have now elevated above my distain for the word 'picnic' on my "Don't even..." list.

jendayi said...


No words.